Member Notice 10.29.14

Member Notice

It seems we’re still having a speeding issue in the neighborhood. Whether it’s a member, renter, visitor, or commercial traffic, it’s becoming a problem – a danger. The neighborhood, again, includes younger children.
Please observe the subdivision general speed limit of 20 mph, and 10 mph on the SE 23rd Avenue curves. We will probably be adding some additional speed limit signage to make everyone more aware. Should you see visitors or commercial traffic exceeding the speed limit, please, give them a hand signal to slow down – No, not that hand signal! Let’s keep the neighborhood safe.

Thanks again for your co-operation.

Member Notice 08.23.14

Member Notice

It seems we’re having a speeding issue in the neighborhood. Whether it’s a member, renter, visitor, or commercial traffic, it’s becoming a problem – a danger. The neighborhood, again, includes younger children.
Please observe the subdivision general speed limit of 20 mph, and 10 mph on the SE 23rd Avenue curves. We will probably be adding some additional speed limit signage to make everyone more aware. Should you see visitors or commercial traffic exceeding the speed limit, please, give them a hand signal to slow down – No, not that hand signal! Let’s keep the neighborhood safe.
Thanks for your co-operation.

Member Notice 08.20.14

Member Notice
Recently noticed was a broken sprinkler head riser in the island at our entrance. Someone also turned off our sprinkler system. Perhaps one and the same individual. Regardless, turning the sprinkler system off affects the watering of all community common landscaped areas. This can result in damage to those areas. Please notify an association officer if you ever see anything awry. Should a member turn off a utility feature for some reason, please let us know immediately.
Thanks for your co-operation.