Member Notice

N o t i ce

On Friday, November 21st, an Annual Homeowners’ Association Meeting Notice and Proxy Letter was hand delivered to the mailbox in front of your residence. It was requested that the proxy letter be completed and dropped in our association mailbox on or before November 30. If you have already done so thank you, if not, if you could please do so. Should the correspondence have been misplaced, it can be found on the web site. This email is also posted to the web site. Thank you.



Annual meeting December 3rd, 2014

Dear Association Members,

Our annual meeting of the members will occur on Wednesday, December 3rd. More information about the meeting, including time and place, will be forthcoming. Our by-laws require that we meet the first Wednesday in December. All those interested in serving as an elected Director should reply to this email not later than November 18th, so that their names can appear on the official ballot. The ballot will also include the proposed budget for 2015. At least 10 days prior to the meeting date you will receive the ballot hand delivered to your mailbox and by email.

Your continued interest in the affairs of your Avondale Homeowners’ Association is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,
Your Board of Directors

Joe Respoli, Director and President
Jim Herzberger, Director and Vice President
Berne Stalzer, Director, Secretary/Treasurer, and Operations Manager