SECOND NOTICE AHOA Annual Meeting, Wednesday, December 7, 2016, 5:30 PM


AHOA Annual Meeting, Wednesday, December 7, 2016, 5:30 PM

You will find attached a proxy ballot along with a meeting notice and proposed budget for 2017. Please complete your proxy ballot if you have not already, and place it in the AHOA mailbox located at 2920 SE 23rd Avenue n/l/t Sunday, December 4th. We need a quorum of the membership to conduct business. Your co-operation is appreciated.

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NOTICE 01.06.16


There has been a solicitation in the neighborhood for marking the curb in front of your house with your street number at a charge of $25. This is nothing that the Homeowners’ Association has approved. The streets in our subdivision belong to the association. Please refrain from having your curb marked because the association will consider it damage to the common areas at your cost to correct. The Board will discuss whether we should contract to have this done for all lots in the subdivision.

AHOA Annual Meeting (2nd Notice)



The Annual Meeting of the Avondale Homeowners’ Association, Inc. will be held the first Wednesday of December as required by our corporate by-laws. Please refer to the documents of governance of our association which can be found at under the governance tab for more information. The attached Meeting Notice Letter and Proxy Ballot require your immediate attention.

The annual meeting is this Wednesday December 2, 2015. please return your proxy on or before Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thank you in advance for your continued interest and support of your association.


2 Attachments

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