Notice: Tree Maintenance & Retention Area Service Scheduled Friday, November 12th (TOMORROW)


Good Morning Neighbors –

Conrad Tree Service will be completing some trimming & maintenance on the Oak tree area on the back street of the subdivision as well as cleaning up “Both” retention ponds in the neighborhood tomorrow around 8:00am Friday, November 12th.  We ask everyone to be cautious as you exit and enter the neighborhood tomorrow as there will be several workers, trucks & equipment present during the morning hours.

Your Board of Directors

NOTIFICATION: NEW Avondale Homeowner Association Forms Added to Governance Tab

Good afternoon Neighbors,

We are excited to announce that we are streamlining the Architectural Boards application and approval process for both home improvement requests & fence additions and/or replacements.  We also encourage homeowners to review the complete covenants under the “Governance” Section of the Avondale website prior to the submission of the forms as well as you can find these forms in the same location under the Governance tab.

If you have questions please reach out to us via email [email protected]

Thank you,

Your Board of Directors