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This content for Homeowners only.
The budget meeting to set the 2014 budget is scheduled. The meeting will be held November the 7th at 7PM at 2727 SE 23rd Ave. All is welcome.
There will be an AHOA Meeting September 26, 2013
The meeting is scheduled for 7PM at 2727 SE 23rd Ave.
There will be a AHOA board meeting June 13th, 7:00 PM held at 2319 SE 30th Street. All is welcome.
The 2011 Annual AHOA meeting will be held wednesday December 7th, 7:30 PM at 18 NW 3rd Avenue,
Ocala Fl 34475.
Please bring your filled out Proxy Form to the meeting,
or you can place it in the Avondale mail box (no later then monday the 5th) located at the end of the first drainage pond on the left as you drive through the neighborhood.