Annual HOA Dues Notice

Dear Members,
February 28th is the last day to pay dues without incurring a $100 late payment fee. If you’ve not as yet paid, we encourage you to do so to avoid this penalty. Any payments received by the association after February 15th have not yet been deposited to the our bank account.
Your Board of Directors

Quarterly Board Meeting Notice – 01/13/2021

Avondale Homeowners Association Quarterly Board Meeting
Dear Association Members,
Our 4th quarter meeting of the Board will occur on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, at 7:30 pm. The meeting will be held at offices of Crippen & Co., CPAs, located at 1900 SE 18th Avenue, Ocala, FL 34471. We will practice social distancing as the pandemic continues; the meeting is open to all association members, and we ask all attendees to be masked. The meeting agenda will include the election of officers for 2021; the timetable for the construction of the entry gates to the subdivision; and such other matters as come before the Board. Thank you.
Your continued interest in the affairs of your Avondale Homeowners’ Association is greatly appreciated.
Respectfully submitted,
Your Board of Directors
Christian Clark, Director
Joe Rispoli, Director
Berne Stalzer, Director