Important Notice 1 & 2


I need help. Does anyone know how to adjust sprinkler heads (all types), and set the control box for large a multi-zone sprinkler system? I did some tweeking of our system…need I say more. I don’t want the AHOA to get screwed dealing with the “sprinkler guy” if I can help it. Your homeowners’ association needs your expertise. I learn quickly…teach me! Assistance would be appreciated. I will not charge for your time helping me!!!

Your humble servant,

Berne Stalzer
Operations Manager
Avondale Homeowners’ Association, Inc.
352.207.5893 – cell phone

PS – If I don’t pick up the phone, please leave a name/phone number in voice mail. Thanks.


It has been an accepted practice to use the area in front of the rear Drainage Retention Area (DRA) on SE 23rd Avenue as a place to discard yard and miscellaneous waste. Please be advised that effective immediately this practice is to cease. There will be no further dumping in this area. It has come to the attention of the Board of Directors that not only has waste been carried to this area by homeowners but also by their contractors. The City of Ocala by ordinance has clearly indicated that any debris created by a contractor while doing work for an Avondale homeowner must be removed from Avondale. We have also been made aware that contractors are bringing waste into our subdivision from other job sites and dumping it in Avondale. Should you notice any contractor depositing waste, please get the name of the company, and/or license tag number, then share the information with a Board member. The Board will notify the police department and the sanitation department.

The City of Ocala will pick up debris generated by the homeowners themselves if placed in front of their residences at the curb. Any item of debris may be no longer than 4 feet in length, and placed in a pile no larger 4x6x8 feet.

Thank you for your continued co-operation as an Avondale Homeowners’ Association member.

Your Board of Directors and Officers,

Joe Rispoli, President
Jim Herzberger, Vice-President
Berne Stalzer, Secretary/Treasurer and Operations Manager – 352.207.5893 cell phone