Author Archives: admin
Halloween 2017 “Best Decorated”
October 2017 Yard of the Month
Protected: AHOA 2nd Quarter 2017 Budget Report
Hurricane Aftermath
Kudos to those members of the AVONDALE family who took it upon themselves to start a cleanup of the common areas at the entrance to our subdivision after IRMA left town. Though there was some damage to homes and common areas, we have survived. The biggest discomfort seems to have been the lack of electric power until late Wednesday afternoon.
As a matter of information, FEMA will be teaming up with the City of Ocala to remove storm debris beginning Monday, September 18th. It is our understanding that there will be no debris removal of any kind before then. There should be regular garbage/recycle service for us starting Wednesday, September 20th. It may be a month before all the storm debris is cleared from the City. You may pile you normal yard waste along with any storm debris at the curb of your property.