January 2007 Minutes

Avondale Homeowners Assocation Board Meeting
January 15th 2007

Call to Order by President Robert Taylor at 1906.  Board members in attenance were Desiree Brown, Steve Floyd, Robert Taylor, Jackie Croton, and Eliza Smith. A quorum was established.

Association Members in Attendance:  see attachment

Secretary Report:

Minutes of the Dec. 6th meeting were read and accepted as read, No corrections noted. Motion made by Steve Floyd and seconded by Jackie Croton.

Treasurer’s Report:

  • See Attachment.  Report read and accepted.
  • Motion made by Desiree Brown and seconded by Jackie Croton.
  • Steve stated Renee was working on a Website.  Stated Federal Income tax and State Annual Report need to be filed. Steve is looking into what FREC forms would be needed in order to file in regards to the co mingling of funds by Noble Brokerage.  Robert stated at this time that he will call and ask Connie if she approved a loan to Noble to be paid back.

Committee Report

  • ARC no new complaints have come to David’s attention.(David was not in attendance but sent this information via Eliza Smith.).
  • Robert stated that he had heard from the Howard’s and that if there are any more concerns about his property to deal with his lawyer.
  • Kinkle property looking slightly improved, question if someone is caring for the property now.
  • David is awarding the yard of the month.

Old Business

  • Todd Whitmarsh expressed his happiness that True Green has finally been placed on hold.
  • Gren Condon expressed concerns about break-ins. It was thought that Oriental business owners were the targets.  It was also discussed about “No Solicitation” in the neighborhood.  Please send these people on their way, If Need be call the police.  It is everyone’s responsibility to keep the neighborhood safe.

New Business

  • Steve Floyd brought up the idea of hooking up to city water for the sprinkler system .  Needs to investigate the cost of hook up, fees, monthly cost, etc.
  • Also the light on the curve remains out still.  Still will check with city and Flory Taylor said she would check with a lighting company on the cost of evaluating the lite.


  • It was decided to send send Craig Mueller a thank you note for the outstanding lites at Christmas time.  He made coming home from work a little brighter.

Meeting Adjourned at 2012

Next meeting will be Feb. 7th at the Sheriff’s Office on 441 south

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