Letter to Renters

Click “Letter to Renters to open”Dear Neighbor,

 Welcome to our beautiful neighborhood. As in all premier neighborhoods there are bylaws that help to maintain that beauty.

One of the jobs of this committee is to enforce these bylaws, and we want to make you aware of our bylaws.


Besides approval of building, painting, fencing, and installing in ground pools that may not apply to you as a renter, there are other common rules in our bylaws listed below that may apply.


1)   Each homeowner (or renter) will keep their lawn and yards maintained. If replacing grass the approved sod is St Augustine or Centipede.

2)    Parking & vehicular restrictions: a) no commercial trucks allowed to be parked in the neighborhood. b)storing of motor cycles, boats, campers or trailers are prohibited in drive ways or yards, it is ok to store them in your enclosed garage. c) autos are to be parked in driveways leaving streets vehicle free with the exception of special functions.

3)   Trash is to be out at the curb on trash pick up day in the approved container or plastic bags. Stored trash cans should be hidden from the street.

4)   Pets are not permitted to roam the neighborhood.

5)   Above ground pools are not allowed.

6)   Nuisances, loud noise and odors are to comply with city codes.

7)   Signs (example: garage sale, for sale, for rent) are not allowed at the entrance of Avondale.


Thank you for helping us achieve our goal of keeping our neighborhood beautiful. 




 The Architectural Committee


David Otzel, Jackie Croton, Emit Healey

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